Walking & Rocking Toys

Walking toys like push toys, pull toys and walkers

help build strength and coordination with immediate gratification. Children have control over their own walking pace and the direction of movement. They delight in the handling of their toy on wheels. All of these motivations encourage toddlers to walk, walk, walk.

Rocking babies has been around since the dawn of civilization. Rocking toys emulate that soothing, calming motion a child receives as an infant. But as a toddler, rocking toys also help develop leg and core muscle strength, critical skills for walking and balance improvement.


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100 products

NogginStik Sale price$23.00 USD
Butterfly Push Pull Toy for Toddlers
Dancing Butterflies push and pull toy for toddlers
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Puppy pull toy
Puppy Pull Toy for Toddlers Sale price$24.99 USD
Lawnmower push and pull toy
Push Lawnmower for Toddlers Sale price$24.99 USD
Crocodile Pull Toy for Toddlers
Butterfly alphabet puzzle
Color Theory Wooden Puzzle
Classic Wooden Stacking Clown
Classic Stacking Clown Toy Sale price$24.99 USD
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BRIO 11-piece Expansion Pack
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Pirate Playdate Kit
Playdates Kit - Superheroes
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Magnetic Upper Case Hand Lettering Board
Magnetic Lower Case Hand Lettering Board
First Pull Toy for babies
Triceratops skeleton puzzle
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Magnetic Tiles Travel Toy